Our lab is dedicated to improving the lives of people by realizing advanced robotic technologies. Our mission is to develop the principles, technologies, and human resources in the area of interactive robotic systems, especially targeting field robotics including disaster response, building and construction, mining, agriculture, and more. We are particularly interested in:
Telerobotics in extreme environments
- Stable and transparent bilateral control approach
- AVATAR-like human interface for immersive and intuitive teleoperation
- Shared and human supervised teleoperation
- Soft continuum growing robot for search and rescue in disaster scenarios
Soft Actuator and Wearable device
- High power density soft and flexible actuators
- Light and soft yet strong exo-suit
Soft Growing Robot
- Vine robot
- Control interface for continuum robots
Autonomous vehicle and its application to construction robots
- Localization, planning, and control of an autonomous vehicle
- Construction machine automation and remote control
- Remote control system for autonomous vehicles and construction robots
We are currently collaborating with many well-known universities and research institutes in the world, including DLR, Stanford, TUM, University of Bristol, Queen Mary University of London, ADD, KAERI, KETI, KITECH, SNU, DGIST, and many others.